Now you see your text split to short units. Organize them with the buttons below each parts, and take care about efficiency datas below the buttons!
Detailed User Guide
Public link:
This is where you can make your public read the text, in order to let the program record the number of all visitors and lost visitors for each parts of the text. »
Landing URL:
Here you can set up a landing website, for those who read over your entire text.

Invitation window:
Here you can make the code, you'll need, if you want to test your text on your website's visitors.
This code will make a small window, appearing on the bottom right-hand corner of your website, and unobtrusively invite the visitors to read the text.

Title of the window:

Color scheme of the window:

Checking the window:
If you want to check, how this window appear on a website, click the button below, and look at the bottom right hand corner!

Getting the code:
If you are satisfied with the window, click the button below, to get the code, that you can insert into your website!
Reset all:
Setting all data 0 for all units.
Full text in one block:


All reader: 1281   Lost reader: 343   Text efficiency: 73.2%


All reader: 938   Lost reader: 96   Text efficiency: 89.8%


All reader: 842   Lost reader: 122   Text efficiency: 85.5%


All reader: 720   Lost reader: 53   Text efficiency: 92.6%


All reader: 667   Lost reader: 41   Text efficiency: 93.9%


All reader: 626   Lost reader: 1   Text efficiency: 99.8%