Now you see your text split to short units. Organize them with the buttons below each parts, and take care about efficiency datas below the buttons! Detailed User Guide USER GUIDEX
On this surface you have your text split up into short units.
The readers (on the public site) will see these units one by one, until they keep clicking on the turning button. Each time, when a reader stops reading (leaves instead of clicking on the turn button), a lost reader will be recorded for the unit where it happened. The number of all reader for the entire text, and separately for each units, will also be recorded. These are the core data that will tell you, which are the weak parts of the text.
For succesful testing and refining of the text, you will need some functions. These are provided on this surface:
Buttons below the text units
MODIFY button
For preparing units to testing and for refining them, you will probably need to modify their texts many times. Don't worry! All previous versions will be recorded, and you can review them any time (HISTORY button).
RESET button
If you have modified a unit, you should zero it's efficiency data, because in this way you can easier compare with previous versions in order to decide, whether the change improved efficiency or not.
HISTORY button
Every time, when text of a unit changes (you modify it), the previous version is saved. If you click on HISTORY button, all previous version appear together with their efficiency data, so you can find out, which modification improved efficiency and which didn't.
Arrow buttons
Their are four different arrow buttons which make easier organizing the text. The program probably didn't split it up perfectly for testing, so you need to move sentences from one unit to another.
Units shouldn't be too long because readers usually don't like to see big texts at once. In addition, it's also easier for you to refine your text if you have more detailed information about it.
Efficiency data
There are 3 data below each text units:
All reader
Every time, when somebody enter a unit, one reader is added to it. Only new readers count, because the program checks ip addresses to prevent confusing test.
Note that if you check out, how the text will look for the readers (on the public site), you will also be recorded once as a reader for each unit you've visited. Therefore, you will need to use the RESET buttons.
Lost reader
If somebody enter a unit, and from there leaves the site instead of entering the following unit (clicking on the turning button), a lost reader is added to the unit.
Text efficiency
This shows how many percent of it's all reader have been lost by the unit.
Left side column
Public site
This is the place, where anyone can read the units of your text one by one, and the program collect information about their activity. (clicking on the turning button or leaving).
For most useful possible testing you need to get to the public site as many visitors (readers) as you can.
But only relevant visitors are good. Those who represent your potential public. Example 1.) You want to get readers through Google Adwords ads, and your text is about using solar cells at home. In this case, those visitors are acceptable, who search for such keywords like: „energy saving", „cheap energy at home", „passive house" etc... The point is the closest possible connection to the topic. For instance the „solar energy at home" keyword is even better.
Example 2.) You are a teacher, and you want to improve a text, which is some explanation for the students. You decided to get readers by inviting some people to the public site via e-mail. In this case, probably the best way is to send the e-mail to the students themselves. If you would send it to others, for instant to teacher colleges it's also can be usefu, but not ideal, because they have different preliminary information so their reactions won't perfectly represent your targeted public.
Landing URL
If you have a website, it can be useful to not loose all readers after reading the text, but to redirect them to your site, especially if getting readers cost you money or energy, and the readers represent the potential public of your website. For this purpose you can set up a landing URL, where the readers will be redirected, after reading the last unit.
Invitation window
If you have a website, it's easy and useful in most cases, to get readers from it. For this purpose you can set up a small window, that appear on your website and unobtrusively invite some visitors to read the text.
If you've set up the window (title and color scheme), you can check out how it will look like (SHOW THE WINDOW button).
For placing the window on your website, click the SHOW THE CODE button, and the program show you the code, that you need to insert into your website's code right before the /body tag.
Full text in one block
When you've finished refining the text, you probably want to use it. You can get the text in four different formats.
More help and information:
Public link:
This is where you can make your public read the text, in order to let the program record the number of all visitors and lost visitors for each parts of the text. » Landing URL:
Here you can set up a landing website, for those who read over your entire text.
Invitation window:
Here you can make the code, you'll need, if you want to test your text on your website's visitors.
This code will make a small window, appearing on the bottom right-hand corner of your website, and unobtrusively invite the visitors to read the text.
Title of the window: Color scheme of the window: Checking the window: If you want to check, how this window appear on a website, click the button below, and look at the bottom right hand corner! Getting the code: If you are satisfied with the window, click the button below, to get the code, that you can insert into your website! Reset all:
Setting all data 0 for all units.
Full text in one block:
All reader: 938 Lost reader: 96 Text efficiency: 89.8% i
All reader: 842 Lost reader: 122 Text efficiency: 85.5% i
All reader: 720 Lost reader: 53 Text efficiency: 92.6% i
All reader: 667 Lost reader: 41 Text efficiency: 93.9% i
All reader: 626 Lost reader: 1 Text efficiency: 99.8% |